تسجيل الدخول/ اشتراك
Art Blocks
- NFT marketplace
Art Blocks is an Ethereum-based NFT creation platform providing unique, programmable, and on-demand generative NFT art to collectors worldwide. Buyers select a style they like, pay for the work, and an algorithm generates a randomly created version of the content and sends it to their Ethereum account. The output could be a static image, 3D model, or interactive experience. There are endless possibilities for the types of content that can be created on the platform.
المحفظة المالية
Sansa | M&A | N/A |
أخبار حديثة
- سوار الصداقة Art Blocks Collection NFT يحتل المركز الأول في OpenSea
- تتعاون Art Blocks و NFT Gallery Bright Moments معًا لجلب الفن التوليدي IRL
- NFT Collection تستكشف NimTeens مدى سرعة تحرك مساحة NFT
- Real "Hot" or Fake "Prosperity" Observing Art Gobblers with Data
- Apple Blocks Coinbase Wallet Release على iOS
- Xunlei Digital Collection Platform Non-Tongshu Art "Flow" Golden Millennium Years Phase 2 Opens Pre-orders