تسجيل الدخول/ اشتراك
Proof of Play
- Games
- Game Development
- Studio
Proof of Play is a Web3 Games Studio, that aims to abstract complexity from player experience and advance the future of web3 powered gaming. It first game Pirate Nation is a new type of game, filled with high seas adventure, treasure, fun, and unexpected surprises. Players collect and send pirates on adventures where they collect materials for crafting, treasures, and pirate gold! Pirates gain experience and can level up from their many adventures.
المحفظة المالية
أخبار حديثة
- PoW vs PoS: مقارنة التكلفة الاقتصادية للهجمات
- 5ire: How does the adoption of blockchain promote sustainable human development?
- إثبات الوقت مقابل إثبات الحصة: كيف تقارن الخوارزميتان
- كيف يعمل دمج الإيثريوم على تعزيز هيمنة سوق الإيثريوم
- Vitalik: The Benefits of Proof-of-Stake
- Vitalik: The Benefits of Proof-of-Stake