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About NALA

Not a lion, a... (NALA) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2024. NALA has a current supply of 920.00M with 0 in circulation. The last known price of NALA is 0 USD and is 0 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on active market(s) with $0 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at .
NALA Price Statistics
NALA’s Price Today
24h Price Change
24h Volume
24h Low / 24h High
$0 / $0
Volume / Market Cap
Market Dominance
Market Rank
NALA Market Cap
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
NALA Price History
7d Low / 7d High
$0 / $0
All-Time High
All-Time Low
NALA Supply
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
Max Supply
Updated Nov 06, 2024 1:30 am
Not a lion, a...
Mkt Cap $0
There's nothing here for now
Watcher.Guru: We are currently unable to confirm the method of hacking and have contacted X officials
Watcher.Guru: We are currently unable to confirm the method of hacking and have contacted X officials
Odaily Planet Daily News Watcher.Guru posted on the X platform that its account was hacked today. Two weeks ago, the team suspected that someone tried to hack into the account and sent a message to X employees to remind them. According to his description, on March 5, a Telegram user sent him a link to an X article. The link was the official domain name of X, but it contained an abnormal path, which was suspected to be a social engineering attack. Although the team did not find obvious risks at the time, it still sent a message to X's network security director @cstanley, but received no reply. At 10:05 Beijing time on March 21, Watcher.Guru discovered that his account had been posted without authorization and deleted it within a few minutes. At the same time, he logged out of all devices and reset his password. However, because his "JUST IN" or "BREAKING" tweets are automatically synchronized to social platforms such as Telegram, Facebook, and Discord, the relevant content has been automatically forwarded. Watcher.Guru said it could not confirm whether the hack was caused by this specific link, but a similar incident recently occurred to db (@tier10k). In addition, his account has 2FA enabled, there are no connected applications, and no API tokens have been detected to be used to publish content. At present, Watcher.Guru is still investigating the specific method of intrusion and has contacted X officials for further clarification.
Mar 21, 2025 5:39 am

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the all-time high price of Not a lion, a... (NALA)?

    The all-time high of NALA was 0 USD on 1970-01-01, from which the coin is now down 0%. The all-time high price of Not a lion, a... (NALA) is 0. The current price of NALA is down 0% from its all-time high.

  • How much Not a lion, a... (NALA) is there in circulation?

    As of , there is currently 0 NALA in circulation. NALA has a maximum supply of 0.

  • What is the market cap of Not a lion, a... (NALA)?

    The current market cap of NALA is 0. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of NALA by its real-time market price of 0.

  • What is the all-time low price of Not a lion, a... (NALA)?

    The all-time low of NALA was 0 , from which the coin is now up 0%. The all-time low price of Not a lion, a... (NALA) is 0. The current price of NALA is up 0% from its all-time low.

  • Is Not a lion, a... (NALA) a good investment?

    Not a lion, a... (NALA) has a market capitalization of $0 and is ranked #5206 on CoinMarketCap. The cryptocurrency market can be highly volatile, so be sure to do your own research (DYOR) and assess your risk tolerance. Additionally, analyze Not a lion, a... (NALA) price trends and patterns to find the best time to purchase NALA.