The Cardano blockchain released v1.35.6 of its new node with a feature called Dynamic P2P, CoinDesk reported. The upgrade is designed to ensure network uptime and stability, and to improve overall network resiliency, or the network's ability to provide and maintain acceptable levels of service in the face of failure and uptime challenges. There are two ways to configure a Cardano node, one as a block producer and one as a relay node. The former is responsible for producing blocks on the blockchain, while the latter communicates with other relay nodes and broadcasts blocks from block producers. Dynamic P2P enables bidirectional use of each connection, simplifying communication and increasing network resilience to failure or malicious behavior. While live on mainnet, the release of the dynamic P2P feature will be tested by Cardano code maintainers IOG with the Cardano Foundation in the coming weeks to ensure a smooth rollout.