The crypto exchange Ouyi OKX has launched a one-click spread trading function "Spread Express" in the institutional liquidity market, which supports users to automatically execute complex trading strategies with one click and complete complex basis trades. Institutional traders only need to unify the order form format , you can execute popular Delta One spread strategies such as calendar spreads, rolling delivery and funding rate arbitrage. Among them, this function can execute the transaction of two different contracts through the central order table to eliminate the execution risk between different product markets. Before the execution, the trader can also choose to guarantee the price difference to alleviate the risk of unexpected price slippage. After the user confirms the execution , the relevant transaction can be matched and settled immediately. Basis trading strategies trade based on the difference in the price of an asset in two different markets (such as the price difference between the spot market and the futures market), and can be rewarded if executed correctly. Generally speaking, traders need to manage two different contracts at the same time when executing the basis trading strategy, and the process is complicated and lengthy.