Odaily Planet Daily News Multi-chain second-layer infrastructure Cartesi launched the first DApp Honeypot on the Ethereum main network. The DApp is designed to allow developers and hackers to challenge the code security of the Cartesi protocol in exchange for bounty rewards.
The Honeypot DApp will be used to stress-test Cartesi’s base code on its mainnet, allowing Cartesi’s technology to be launched and subsequently used in other DApps. The first person to hack Honeypot will receive approximately 1,772,889 Cartesi tokens (approximately $265,000), with no strings attached.
In the Honeypot DApp’s backend code, there is an algorithm that only allows depositors’ accounts of the Cartesi Foundation to withdraw funds. Participants are challenged to crack passwords and withdraw funds to accounts owned by them.
Gabriel Barros, developer of Cartesi, said: “We want to welcome all developers to test Cartesi’s Rollup infrastructure, but do the challenge in a gamified way.” (The Block)