Bounce Brand posted on the X platform that with the destruction of 1,343,750 MUBI, 268,750 BSSB and 53,750,000 AMMX, 268,750 MBAs were minted on Ethereum and BounceBit through Bounce M&A.
Yesterday, Bounce Brand announced that MBA is the first synthetic token powered by Bounce M&A, minted by merging MUBI, BSSB, and AMMX. MBA was not created to replace MUBI, BSSB, and AMMX, but to enhance their resilience. If a user wants to mint 1 MBA, he needs to submit 5 MUBI, 1 BSSB, and 200 AMMX. Once MBA is minted, the tokens submitted in the process cannot be recovered. AUCTION holders will be able to receive 0.5% transaction fees collected from the MBA minting process.