According to Odaily, LayerZero Labs has announced the launch of LayerZero on the X platform. The LayerZero Endpoint on Solana has been released in the 'Mainnet Beta' version, supporting cross-chain messaging across eight chains: Solana, Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, BNB Chain, Avalanche, and Polygon.
After the completion of the fourth and final audit round, the name 'Mainnet Beta' will be removed from LayerZero documents, and all 70 chains will be connected to Solana. This development marks a significant step in the expansion of LayerZero Labs' operations and its integration with Solana, a high-performance blockchain platform.
The launch of LayerZero on Solana is expected to enhance the interoperability of different blockchain networks, facilitating seamless communication and transactions across multiple chains. This is particularly beneficial for the blockchain ecosystem as it fosters greater collaboration and integration among different blockchain platforms.