Bitget Wallet officially launched MemeX, a Meme coin trading tool. Through innovative technology and simplified processes, it helps senior traders and novice users to discover high-multiple Meme coins, optimize trading decisions and improve trading efficiency. MemeX has a real-time new coin discovery function, which can capture and display newly created Meme coins within a few seconds, while filtering high-risk coins. Pop-ups remind users of new coins in real time to help users grasp market trends.
In addition, MemeX provides an extremely fast trading experience and real-time bullet screen broadcast function, showing the most popular coins, and users can follow orders with one click. MemeX also provides independent profit calculation for users' Meme coin transactions, real-time profit viewing, and generates interesting trading posters to facilitate users to share coins and trading results.
Currently, MemeX supports Solana and BNB Chain, and will support more mainstream public chains in the future. Bitget Wallet will also launch a 15-day trading challenge, where users can win a $25,000 reward by trading Meme coins on MemeX.