According to Onchain Lens monitoring, suspected insider activities related to THE tokens appeared before Binance’s announcement, most of which involved newly created wallets:
Wallet 1 (address: 0x123c1d309940a1f811445fa2efdd7dedfea686bf): 23 hours ago, 200,000 USDT was withdrawn from Bybit, 918,214 THE were purchased and 410,218 THE were sold for a profit of 433,000 USD. Currently, 507,000 THE are still held, worth about 548,000 USD, with a total profit of up to 782,000 USD;
Wallet 2 (address: 0xc6ebc9f4e2b13f462b82ee8a6128ba1eba5d4f35): Newly created 3 hours ago, 400 BNB (worth about 249,000 USD) were withdrawn from #Binance, and 410,218 THE were sold for a profit of 433,000 USD. 490,786 THE, now worth about $514,000, with a floating profit of about $264,000;
Wallet 3 (address: 0xad9663b6dae2703da64f852bbbec2c3e27dd5391): also a new wallet, withdrew 1,638 BNB (about $1.02 million) from Binance and purchased 1,027,193 THE at an average price of $1. Although it is impossible to confirm whether it is insider trading, the purchase scale is huge and may be related to the airdrop plan.