Telegram multi-chain wallet Bitget Wallet Lite and consumer-grade public chain Morph launched a trading event. From January 3 to January 18, 2025, users who complete Morph mainnet cross-chain or swap transactions will have the opportunity to win 20,000 Morph points and 1,000 BGB. Each 10 USDT transaction can get 0.03 Morph points (0.01 will be airdropped by Bitget Wallet Lite after the event, and 0.02 will be issued by Morph in real time). Each person can get up to 10 Morph points, first come first served. The top 100 users in transaction amount ranking can also receive 10 BGB airdrops.
In addition, users who complete Morph mainnet cross-chain or swap transactions on the Bitget Wallet App mobile phone before January 18 can participate in another event with a total prize pool of 70,000 Morph points and 20,000 USDT.