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Crypto industry set for worst quarter for hacks in history with $1.6 billion in losses: Immunefi
27/03 21:04
BNB Chain surpassed Ethereum to become the most targeted network in Q1, accounting for 19 individual attacks. source:

Live Updates

  • Apr 01, 2025 3:30 am
    Babylon Genesis Mainnet Launches for Enhanced Bitcoin Security
    Babylon Genesis Mainnet launches to increase Bitcoin security via staking protocol. source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 3:22 am
    Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Dogecoin Flatline As Markets Brace For Impact Of Trump Tariffs
    Cryptocurrency markets are trading in a tight sideways range on Monday as markets expect the impact of tariff announcements on Wednesday. source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 3:21 am
    Vlad Tenev Wants to Tokenize SpaceX, OpenAI on Robinhood
    Robinhood's CEO tells Bankless about his vision for a new future for 'private' markets. source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 3:13 am
    Concerns Raised Over Elon Musk's Access to SEC Data
    According to Cointelegraph, concerns have been raised following reports that Tesla CEO Elon Musk's 'government efficiency' team might gain access to data and systems at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Representative Maxine Waters, the top Democrat on the US House Financial Services Committee, issued a warning on March 31, reiterating her previous concerns expressed in a February letter to acting SEC Chair Mark Uyeda. Waters highlighted the potential risks associated with the Musk-led Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) accessing sensitive SEC information. DOGE, an advisory body to U.S. President Donald Trump, is not an official department established by Congress. Waters warned that granting Musk such access could have severe consequences for U.S. investors and create conflicts of interest. Waters expressed concerns that the SEC could face increased risks of data breaches and market disruptions, potentially leading to significant financial losses for investors, including retirees. She also pointed out that Musk, who has faced multiple SEC enforcement actions for violating securities laws, might exploit his access to confidential business information to benefit his own enterprises and disadvantage competitors. Reports suggest that Musk's DOGE team has contacted the SEC and may soon have access to the commission's systems and data. Since joining the Trump administration as a 'special government employee,' Musk has led efforts to reduce staff at various government agencies, including the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Many of DOGE's actions have been challenged in federal court, with lawsuits alleging illegal or unconstitutional conduct. The SEC, a major U.S. financial regulator, oversees and regulates many aspects of the cryptocurrency industry, including determining whether certain tokens qualify as securities. Under the leadership of Uyeda and U.S. President Donald Trump, the commission has dropped several lawsuits against crypto firms for alleged securities law violations since January. There is speculation about whether the DOGE team plans to 'purge' the SEC of employees deemed disloyal to the Trump administration, as suggested in some lawsuits related to firings at other government agencies. Cointelegraph reached out to acting chair Uyeda and SEC Commissioner Caroline Crenshaw for comments but did not receive a response before publication. The reported infiltration of the SEC by DOGE coincides with the US Senate Banking Committee's upcoming vote on advancing the nomination of Paul Atkins, President Trump's choice to chair the agency. During his March 27 confirmation hearing, Atkins expressed willingness to collaborate with DOGE if confirmed. Democratic lawmakers at the hearing raised concerns about Atkins' potential conflicts of interest with the cryptocurrency industry.
  • Apr 01, 2025 3:09 am
    'Dire consequences' if Musk accesses SEC — US lawmaker
    The top Democrat on the US House Financial Services Committee issued a warning after reports suggested that Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s “government efficiency” team would be given access to data and systems at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In a March 31 notice, Representative Maxine Waters reiterated a warning from a letter she sent to acting SEC Chair Mark Uyeda in February in response to the Musk-led Department of Government Efficiency’s reported access to sensitive SEC information. DOGE is an advisory body to US President Donald Trump rather than an official department established by Congress. According to the California lawmaker, giving Musk such access would have “dire consequences” for US investors and present conflicts of interest source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 3:02 am
    هل مازالت إيثريوم استثمار مجدي؟
    أثار كوين تومسون، المدير التنفيذي للاستثمار في شركة Lekker Capital، موجة من الجدل على منصة تويتر (X) نهاية الأسبوع الماضي، حين صرّح بأن عملة إيثريوم (ETH) "ميتة تمامًا" من حيث جدواها الاستثمارية. هذا التصريح فجّر ردود أفعال متباينة من كبار الشخصيات في صناعة العملات الرقمية، من بينهم نيك كارتر من Castle Island Ventures، وأستاذ الاقتصاد أوميد مالكان من جامعة كولومبيا، بالإضافة إلى سكوت جونسون من VB Capital. انقر هنا للحصول على خدمات إعلانية أو البيانات الصحفية لمشروع الكريبتو تأتي هذه التصريحات في ظل تراجع مؤشرات الشبكة الأساسية، وتزايد الانتقادات لهيكلها الاقتصادي، لا سيما في ظل توسّع حلول التحجيم من الطبقة الثانية (L2). في هذا المقال، نعرض تحليلًا متوازنًا لتداعيات هذا الجدل، وتقييمًا لمستقبل إيثيريوم كأصل مالي source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 2:42 am
    نظرة أسبوعية على البيتكوين: تصعيد تجاري، تحركات الحيتان، وتقلّبات مرتقبة
    يبدو أن متداولي البيتكوين على موعد مع أسبوع حافل بالأحداث وتقلّبات قد تعصف بالأسواق، بدءًا من تصعيد وشيك في الرسوم الجمركية، وصولًا إلى تحرّكات ضخمة من قبل حيتان البيتكوين. فيما يلي أبرز خمسة عوامل من المتوقع أن تؤثّر على حركة السوق هذا الأسبوع: انقر هنا للحصول على خدمات إعلانية أو البيانات الصحفية لمشروع الكريبتو 1. رسوم جمركية أمريكية جديدة تدخل حيّز التنفيذ في 2 أبريل تستعد الأسواق العالمية لتطورٍ لافت في النزاع التجاري الدولي، مع ما وصفه الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب بـ"يوم التحرير" الموافق 2 أبريل. ووفقًا لتقارير من حساب The Kobeissi Letter عبر تويتر، فإن الإدارة الأمريكية تسعى إلى فرض "رسوم متبادلة" في خطوة يُتوقع أن تكون نقطة تحوّل في الحرب التجارية المستمرة source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 2:30 am
    يرتفع SAFE بنسبة 5% مع اقتراب قيمته السوقية من 300 مليون دولار
    ظهرت SAFE كأفضل عملة بديلة أداءً لليوم، حيث ارتفع سعرها بنسبة 5% في الـ24 ساعة الماضية وبلغت قيمتها السوقية الآن قريبة من 300 مليون دولار. تُظهر العملة مؤشرات فنية قوية على الرغم من بعض الإشارات المختلطة من مؤشرات الزخم التي تشير إلى أن التماسك قد يكون في الأفق. يظل التحليل الفني لخطوط EMA متفائلًا، حيث تتواجد المتوسطات قصيرة الأجل بشكل إيجابي فوق المتوسطات طويلة الأجل، مما يشير إلى استمرار القوة في المدى القريب. ومع ذلك، تشير قراءات RSI وBBTrend الأخيرة إلى أن فترة تبريد محتملة قد تقترب مع استيعاب الأصل لمكاسبه الأخيرة source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 2:30 am
    SAFE Rises 5% With Its Market Cap Now Close To $300 Million
    SAFE has emerged as the best-performing altcoin of the day, with its price surging 5% in the last 24 hours and its market capitalization now close to $300 million. The coin is showing strong technical indicators despite some mixed signals from momentum oscillators that suggest consolidation may be on the horizon. Technical analysis of the EMA lines remains bullish, with short-term averages positioned favorably above long-term ones, pointing to continued strength in the immediate term. However, recent RSI and BBTrend readings indicate a potential cooling-off period could be approaching as the asset digests its recent gains source:
  • Apr 01, 2025 1:40 am
    Spur Protocol Daily Quiz Answer 01 April 2025: Earn Free Rewards
    Spur Protocol Daily Quiz Answer 01 April 2025Searching for today’s Spur Protocol Daily Quiz Answer 01 April 2025? End your search here, and collect your rewards of Today Quiz question “The First President To Accept BTC As Legal Tender Was?” with CoinGabbar. What is a spur protocol?The SpurProtocol is a web3 mining application that was released in November 2024. Developed with the aim of making cryptocurrency earnings easier, users can earn tokens by engaging in activities within the app. The project has acquired over two million users since its release, demonstrating how interest is growing rapidly source:

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