Seventeen percent of voters in four U.S. states long known as electoral battlegrounds hold cryptocurrencies and NFTs, according to survey results published by Haun Ventures.
The poll, conducted by digital polling firm Morning Consult, was intended to capture the degree to which issues around web3 were impacting voter preferences ahead of the November midterm elections in the U.S. Divided by states, 19% of polled voters in Ohio and Nevada reported owning digital assets, compared to 13% and 16% in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, respectively.
The poll's findings suggest dissatisfaction across the political spectrum with the state of digital privacy and the degree of power held by major digital platforms.
"75% of voters agree that Big Tech has too much power over people’s lives, and favor greater individual autonomy and digital decentralization," the blog post noted. "72% of voters who own digital assets say they do so because they want an economic system that is more democratized, fair, and works for more people."
Morning Consult polled 800 likely midterm in New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania between Sept. 15 and Sept. 20.