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Tentang CPU

CPUcoin (CPU) adalah mata uang kripto yang diluncurkan pada 2021. CPU memiliki persediaan saat ini sebesar 5.00Bn dengan 433.56M yang beredar. Harga CPU terakhir yang diketahui adalah 0.010339956755 USD dan 0.000054119386 selama 24 jam terakhir. Saat ini diperdagangkan di pasar aktif dengan $39,450.55 diperdagangkan selama 24 jam terakhir. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di

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$0 / $0
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7d Rendah / Tinggi 7d
$0 / $0
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Terendah sepanjang masa
CPU Pasokan
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Pasokan Maks
Diperbarui Okt 27, 2024 3:36 pagi
MCap $4.48M
Tidak ada apa-apa di sini.
Study Identifies Vulnerability in Apple M-Series Chips Allowing Hackers to Retrieve Private Keys
Study Identifies Vulnerability in Apple M-Series Chips Allowing Hackers to Retrieve Private Keys
According to CryptoPotato, a recent study has identified a vulnerability in Apple's M-series chips that could enable hackers to retrieve the cryptographic private keys of Mac users. The vulnerability functions as a side channel, allowing the extraction of end-to-end keys when Apple chips execute implementations of commonly used cryptographic protocols. Due to its origin in the microarchitectural structure of the silicon, direct patching is not feasible, unlike traditional vulnerabilities. Instead, the report suggests a fix that relies on integrating defenses into third-party cryptographic software. However, this approach may significantly degrade the performance of M-series chips during cryptographic tasks, particularly in earlier generations like M1 and M2. The researchers explained that the exploitation of the vulnerability occurs when both the targeted cryptographic operation and a malicious application, operating with standard user system privileges, are processed on the same CPU cluster. The latest research sheds light on an overlooked phenomenon regarding DMPs within Apple silicon. In certain cases, these DMPs misinterpret memory content, including critical key material, as the pointer value used for loading other data. As a result, the DMP frequently accesses and interprets this data as an address, leading to memory access attempts. This process, known as 'dereferencing' of 'pointers,' involves reading data and inadvertently leaking it through a side channel, representing a clear breach of the constant-time paradigm. The researchers identified this hack as a 'GoFetch' exploit, explaining that it operates on the same user privileges as most third-party applications, exploiting vulnerabilities in clusters of M-series chips. It affects classical and quantum-resistant encryption algorithms alike, with extraction times varying from minutes to hours depending on the key size. Despite previous knowledge of similar threats, the researchers said that GoFetch demonstrates more aggressive behavior in Apple's chips, posing a significant security risk.
Mar 23, 2024 1:04 siang
英伟达创始人黄仁勋在美国圣何塞召开 GTC 大会上发表开幕演讲。此次演讲中,英伟达发布了他们的下一代芯片架构 Blackwell。 据介绍,Blackwell GPU 以数学家 David Harold Blackwell 的名字命名,同样沿用了英伟达此前推出的 Hopper 架构。Blackwell GPU 中包含 2080 亿个晶体管,可以支持多达 10 万亿个参数的 AI 模型。除了芯片本身之外,这一架构还采用了第五代 NVLink 高速互联、第二代 Transformer 引擎,多方位全面升级。据黄仁勋介绍,这一全新的芯片将在 2024 年晚些时间上市。 黄仁勋表示,英伟达未来计划用 Blackwell 向世界各地的人工智能公司进军,与世界各地的所有 OEM、区域云、国家主权 AI、电信公司签约。 目前,亚马逊、戴尔、谷歌、Meta、微软、OpenAI、特斯拉都已经计划使用 Blackwell GPU。值得注意的是,此前传说中的 B100 并没有出现,英伟达转而发布了由一个 Grace CPU、和两组 Blackwell GPU 组合而成的超级芯片 GB200。黄仁勋介绍,相比于 H100,GB200 的算力是前者的 6 倍,而对应处理多模态特定领域的算力表现可达 30 倍。 此外,英伟达还发布了由 36 组 Grace CPU 和 72 组 Blackwell GPU 组合而成的服务器 GB200 NVL72。 此次,英伟达将推出了一款用于机器人领域、名为 GR00T 的通用基础大模型。此外,英伟达还推出了适用于机器人的全新计算机 Thor,英伟达对于相关的性能、功耗和尺寸进行了具体的优化。 英伟达还推出了全新的 AI 推理服务器 NIM(NVIDIA INFERENCE MICROSERVICE),让所有人都可以通过这一形式自定义 AI 模型和应用。(36 氪)
Mar 19, 2024 9:34 pagi
NVIDIA Launches Blackwell Platform to Empower Next-Generation Computing
NVIDIA Launches Blackwell Platform to Empower Next-Generation Computing
According to PANews, NVIDIA announced the launch of the NVIDIA Blackwell platform to empower the new era of computing. The platform enables institutions worldwide to build and run real-time generative AI on large language models (LLM) with trillions of parameters, reducing costs and energy consumption by up to 25 times compared to the previous generation. The Blackwell GPU architecture features six revolutionary acceleration technologies that will drive breakthroughs in data processing, engineering simulation, electronic design automation, computer-aided drug design, quantum computing, and generative AI. The NVIDIA GB200 Grace Blackwell superchip connects two NVIDIA B200 Tensor Core GPUs with the NVIDIA Grace CPU through a 900GB/s ultra-low-power interconnect. Compared to the NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPU, the GB200 superchip achieves up to 30 times performance improvement in LLM inference workloads, with cost and energy consumption reduced by up to 25 times. In addition, NVIDIA also introduced a general-purpose large model called GR00T for the robotics field during the GTC conference in San Jose, USA. NVIDIA also launched a new computer called Thor, specifically optimized for robotics in terms of performance, power consumption, and size. NVIDIA aims to give robots smarter brains through this initiative, enabling them to naturally imitate human behavior by observing it, greatly improving coordination and flexibility in their actions.
Mar 19, 2024 8:54 pagi

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

  • Apa harga tertinggi sepanjang masa dari CPUcoin (CPU)?

    (CPU) mencapai harga tertinggi sebesar 0 USD pada 1970-01-01, dari mana koin ini sekarang turun 0%. Harga tertinggi sepanjang masa dari CPUcoin (CPU) adalah 0. Harga saat ini dari CPU turun 0% dari harga tertingginya.

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  • Berapa CPUcoin (CPU) yang beredar saat ini?

    Per 2024-10-27, saat ini ada 433.56M CPU yang beredar. CPU memiliki pasokan maksimum sebanyak 5.00Bn.

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  • Berapa kapitalisasi pasar CPUcoin (CPU)?

    Kapitalisasi pasar saat ini dari CPU adalah 4.48M. Ini dihitung dengan mengalikan pasokan CPU saat ini dengan harga pasar waktu nyata 0.010339956755.

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  • Berapa harga terendah sepanjang masa dari CPUcoin (CPU)?

    (CPU) mencapai harga terendah sebesar 0 , dari mana koin ini sekarang naik 0%. Harga terendah sepanjang masa dari CPUcoin (CPU) adalah 0. Harga saat ini dari CPU naik 0% dari harga terendahnya.

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  • Apakah CPUcoin (CPU) merupakan investasi yang bagus?

    CPUcoin (CPU) memiliki kapitalisasi pasar sebesar $4.48M dan berada di peringkat #1429 di CoinMarketCap. Pasar mata uang kripto bisa sangat fluktuatif, jadi pastikan untuk melakukan riset sendiri (DYOR) dan menilai toleransi risiko Anda. Selain itu, analisis tren dan pola harga CPUcoin (CPU) untuk menemukan waktu terbaik untuk membeli CPU.

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