Starknet 路线图概览
本文将概述 Starknet 路线图,以及旨在进一步提升 Starknet 扩展能力的主要性能升级和费用降低计划。

本文将概述 Starknet 路线图,以及旨在进一步提升 Starknet 扩展能力的主要性能升级和费用降低计划。
Starknet 是一个零知识 (zk) Rollup。
Starknet's STRK airdrop faces scrutiny over fairness and transparency, with concerns raised about selection process manipulation and lack of disclosure.
Explore the strategic transition of Argent from zkSync Era to Starknet, delving into the timeline of changes, the impact on users, and the unwavering commitment to security. Learn proactive steps to navigate this transformative phase and ensure a smooth asset transfer with our comprehensive guide
Nethermind rapidly fixes a critical bug and raises the debate about the centralisation of Ethereum clients and the need for community-driven network resilience improvement.
Jelajahi 10 Proyek Teratas tahun 2023 melalui ekosistem Ethereum Layer 2 yang paling menjanjikan — Starknet.
Visa mengatakan bahwa StarkNet, blockchain lapisan 2 yang dibangun di atas Ethereum, dapat membantu menjembatani kesenjangan antara crypto dan dunia nyata.
StarkNet Foundation akan menentukan cara mendistribusikan token, yang tidak akan ditawarkan melalui penjualan.