Bankless:Sei 如何运行?为什么并行执行很重要?
Sei 是第Layer 1 区块链,使用 Cosmos SDK 构建,专注于廉价且快速地促进交易和其他活动。

Sei 是第Layer 1 区块链,使用 Cosmos SDK 构建,专注于廉价且快速地促进交易和其他活动。
Sei,Layer1,ETH,对话Sei联创:以太坊赢得了L1之争 Sei的存在还有意义吗? 金色财经,Sei 的终局之战
近期,Sei 凭借并行 EVM 叙事引起社区注意,其原生代币 SEI 价格涨幅也突破新高,两周涨幅近四倍。
The Sei Network, with its SEI tokens and innovative approach, is rapidly becoming a focal point in the blockchain space, challenging traditional favorites and signaling a shift in investor preferences.
Sei Network's SEI tokens have surged, benefiting from an increased focus on parallelized EVM and an upcoming network update.
Sei v2 unites Ethereum and Cosmos, fostering a new era of blockchain interoperability and innovation.
Circle, penerbit stablecoin terkemuka, telah melakukan investasi strategis di Sei Network, sebuah blockchain layer-1
The new project by Binance will be a new Layer 1 blockchain that promises to improve trading for everyone.
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