
坎昆升级降低DA手续费只是辅助原因,真实原因是Starknet发币后国库有了其他收入来源,不必再依赖于手续费创收,所以大幅度下调了L2 Gas Price基准。
Explore the strategic transition of Argent from zkSync Era to Starknet, delving into the timeline of changes, the impact on users, and the unwavering commitment to security. Learn proactive steps to navigate this transformative phase and ensure a smooth asset transfer with our comprehensive guide
Etherscan's strategic acquisition of Solscan aims to expand blockchain data services, coinciding with Solana's significant market surge. With Solana's token surpassing $100 and speculation about its potential rivalry with Ethereum, the move underscores Solana's increasing influence in the crypto landscape.
Etherscan,Etherscan很棒 但也是以太坊的一个致命缺陷 金色财经,Etherscan 如何使以太坊社区面临风险?
Etherscan acquires Solscan.io, expanding its blockchain data services to include the Solana network.
Lihat panduan untuk berpotensi memenuhi syarat untuk airdrop zkSync.
Pengembang harus bermigrasi ke jaringan Goerli dan Sepolia sebelum penutupan besok.
Sementara penyelidikan sedang berlangsung, serangan yang sedang berlangsung pada berbagai platform crypto mungkin terkait dengan kompromi Coinzilla, sebuah agen periklanan dan pemasaran.