According to Foresight News, ETHGlobal has announced the top 10 finalists for the LFGHO competition. The projects include:
1. Exorcise Your GHO: Utilizing GHO/USDC and GHO/USDT liquidity positions as collateral to mint GHO.
2. GHOst: A mobile-native AA smart wallet designed for p2p payments, featuring automatic savings plans and easy-to-use GHO-based investment functions.
3. GhoBox: GHO loans supported by cross-chain total borrowing capacity without the need to transfer collateral.
4. Burra Vault: Allows users to borrow GHO at different rates based on GHO market prices.
5. Create, pay, and manage cryptocurrency invoices in a single process without the need for an account.
6. AdFuel: Ad-supported Gas fee payments for users, with gasless GHO transfers powered by EIP-2612.
7. GHOat: A free payment gateway for any Web2/Web3 store to accept and manage GHO.
8. Boo: A GHO-centric solution aimed at enhancing users' Web3 transaction experience.
9. DeCredit Wallet: An ERC-4337 compatible wallet that functions like a credit card for any GHO transaction.
10. GhoShare: An iOS app designed to enable decentralized in-app payment settlements through credit delegation, token exchange, and cross-network transactions.