融资周刊 | 29个项目筹集7.522亿美元

本周最大一笔融资——Ithaca 在 Paradigm 筹集了 2000 万美元。Yala在种子轮中筹集了800万美元。包括ZAP在内的8个项目获得其他轮次融资。
文章将深入分析 FHE 技术,并揭示其与人工智能协作的具体机制和原理。
Recently, there has been a proliferation of bots on social media. While the presence of assistant chatbots on the internet is a common occurrence, the rise of scam bots on social media is definitely concerning. The Privasea AI Network hence hopes to resolve this issue through the use of powerful systems designed to prioritise privacy and security of data through the use of Fully Homomorphic Encryption(FHE).
In the era of big data with increasing digitization, Privasea AI Network, a pioneer of DEPIN+AI technology, uses fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) technology to ensure user data privacy and security during use.
在数字化程度日益提高的大数据时代,作为DEPIN+AI技术的开拓者Privasea AI Network通过全同态加密(FHE)技术来保证用户在使用过程中的数据隐私安全。
The rise of AI tools has raised data privacy concerns due to the vast data needed for training models. Privasea addresses this with a framework prioritising data privacy and security, using FHE to perform computations directly on encrypted data.