得益于其创始人迈克·赛勒激进的囤币策略,从2020年到2024年,截至3月12号,微策略已经囤积了20.5万枚BTC,平均加仓成本为33706刀,按BTC 72k计算,浮盈超78亿刀。

得益于其创始人迈克·赛勒激进的囤币策略,从2020年到2024年,截至3月12号,微策略已经囤积了20.5万枚BTC,平均加仓成本为33706刀,按BTC 72k计算,浮盈超78亿刀。
Benchmark 表示,MicroStrategy 的比特币持有量已超过 110 亿美元,其股价可能会因机构比特币需求增加和加密货币减半而上涨。
TD Cowen 分析师表示,随着现货比特币基金的上线,MicroStrategy 股票相对于 BTC 的溢价将会压缩,但不会消失。
MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor strategically sold shares ahead of the Bitcoin ETF launch, following a pre-existing plan. This surprising move, the first in 12 years, added $20 million to his portfolio. Concerns over stock decline and ETF impact arise as the company, known for its substantial Bitcoin holdings, faces the evolving cryptocurrency market surge.
MicroStrategy capitalizes on Bitcoin's surge, earning $600 million in a day and nearing a $1 billion gain in 2024. Despite MicroStrategy's stock facing challenges, CEO Michael Saylor sees Bitcoin as the empowering force behind the company's success, emphasizing its outperformance relative to traditional assets. Closing Remark: MicroStrategy's reliance on Bitcoin, while financially beneficial, raises concerns about the volatility impact on its stock performance, highlighting the delicate balance between digital and traditional assets.
Microstrategy's aggressive Bitcoin investments and innovative Lightning Rewards program underscore its strong belief in cryptocurrency as a key corporate asset.
Calon mantan CEO itu mengatakan membagi peran kepala eksekutif dan ketua MicroStrategy akan membantu perusahaan mengejar strateginya untuk "memperoleh dan menahan Bitcoin."