
10月8日,币安发布公告称,币安 Launchpool 上线第 60 期项目- Scroll(SCR),一个字节码级兼容的 zkEVM Rollup。
Scroll,Scroll Session One 生态项目一览 金色财经,wBTC,solvBTC,weETH。
Discover the essential dates and guidelines for the transition from Base Goerli to Sepolia. Ensure a seamless migration by staying informed about deposit suspensions, documentation updates, and the final discontinuation of Base Goerli infrastructure.
One million addresses can now claim NFTs on Scroll's second layer, highlighting the growing interest and potential in Layer 2 networks.
Scroll launches advanced Ethereum mainnet for enhanced scalability and efficiency, attracting $30 million investment and a potential DeFi partnership
This code was deployed for the purpose of testing the token's verification on Ethereum block explorer Etherscan, according to a comment made on GitHub.
Lihat panduan untuk berpotensi memenuhi syarat untuk airdrop Scroll.
Menggabungkan uji coba pada testnet sangat penting untuk memungkinkan pengembang Ethereum dan pengembang proyek independen memahami apa yang dapat mereka harapkan saat Penggabungan yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Bom kesulitan telah berhasil ditunda menurut pengembang inti Tim Beiko dan pengembang ekosistem Ethereum Nethermind.