除了 TON 哪些公链在争夺 Telegram 用户
通过数据解析各大公链利用 Telegram 游戏进行用户获取的效果,可以获得哪些启发?

通过数据解析各大公链利用 Telegram 游戏进行用户获取的效果,可以获得哪些启发?
由Gate Group赞助的TON生态Hackers League黑客松已于2024年10月5日拉开帷幕,活动将持续至12月20日。
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov addressed his recent arrest, revealing he was questioned by French authorities for four days over alleged platform misuse. Denying the claims, Durov criticised the investigation and pledged to improve moderation on Telegram. His statement also led to a rise in TON's value.
W3BFLIX aims to revolutionize entertainment by integrating blockchain on Telegram, offering viewers direct influence in funding and rewards, unlike Netflix's passive model. It promises transparency, community engagement, and global accessibility, set to launch within six months pending funding.
TON,TON + Telegram:让加密货币触手可及 金色财经,开放网络 (TON) 有望推动加密货币大众化。
背靠 Telegram 接近 9 亿月活用户的公链 TON,因为其与 Telegram 千丝万缕的联系而从百链大战中脱颖而出。
除了 TON 代币的价格上涨,TON 生态的一众代币也迎来了可观的涨幅。