DuRove被捕后首发声:Telegram并不完美 但坚守原则
JinseFinanceBut following the recent scandal surrounding Telegram, the French President had taken a complete U turn in his attitude towards Durov and Telegram now that the platform has gotten itself into hot water.
XingChiIndonesia is threatening to ban the Telegram messenger platform due to its insufficient moderation of illegal content.
JinseFinanceTelegram has declared its compliance with EU laws following CEO Pavel Durov's arrest in France. The company defended its moderation practices, while support for Durov grows within the crypto community. Meanwhile, Toncoin has stabilized after initial declines.
EdmundJustin Sun has proposed a $1 million decentralized fund to support Telegram founder Pavel Durov amid his arrest in France. The crypto community is rallying behind Durov as the situation unfolds.
Huang BoPolymarket bettors express low confidence in Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's release from French detention by 31st August, reflecting growing doubts amidst serious legal allegations.
JinseFinanceDurov predicts rise in secure communication hardware, stresses privacy amid surveillance. Telegram's independence affirmed; growth to one billion users projected. Durov reveals significant crypto holdings, highlighting faith in digital assets.
EdmundAplikasi perpesanan terus maju dengan pembangunan infrastruktur kripto.