Macaron提供最高价值$200K的Macaron DeFi积分。
JinseFinanceMacaron提供最高价值$200K的Macaron DeFi积分。
JinseFinanceOpenAI has made its ChatGPT accessible without the need for registration, aiming to democratize access to AI. While enhancing accessibility, the company ensures user safety through additional content safeguards. Despite facing challenges like slowing growth and legal disputes, this move reflects a broader trend of democratizing transformative technologies. However, uncertainties remain regarding AI's direction and potential misuse, raising concerns about deviation from original missions.
Sanya自OpenAI去年11月上线GPT Store以来,办公、教育、生活、娱乐等针对各个场景的GPT已经出现上百万个,GPTs正在成为许多人处理工作、优化写作技巧和获取创意灵感的助手。
JinseFinanceThe OpenAI GPT Store faces pre-launch hurdles with unauthorized app replication, raising concerns on intellectual property protection and platform governance, posing uncertainties for developers awaiting guidance.
Xu LinIn the realm of evolving AI technology, WeHead boldly introduces the WeHead GPT Edition, priced at an astounding $5,000. This AI assistant stands apart by providing a physical face for users to engage with, sparking intriguing discussions about the future of AI companionship and the practicality of humanizing technology.
Xu LinSebuah studi baru-baru ini menyoroti kerentanan yang signifikan pada GPT khusus, yang mengungkapkan kemudahan mengekstraksi data sensitif melalui serangan injeksi yang cepat, dan mendesak langkah-langkah keamanan yang lebih kuat.
YouQuanRilis terbaru mengubah interaksi AI dengan memperluas basis pengetahuan hingga April 2023 dan memperkenalkan dukungan untuk dokumen setebal 300 halaman.