
FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg steps down amid workplace culture scandal following a scathing investigation. Mixed reactions accompany his departure, while his stance against crypto assets adds to the controversy.
2024 年 3 月 10 日,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在以太坊研究论坛(发布最新文章......
空投,Ether.Fi,Bankless:谁有资格领取 的ETHFI空投?如何领取? 金色财经,ETHFI的空投是否会引起更多对于再质押的关注?
Greg Solano becomes CEO of Yuga Labs, focusing on creativity, partnerships, and advancing the BAYC and Otherside projects, promising a renewed vision and market positivity around BAYC's future.
Positioned as the "1st community-owned ZK Layer 2," ZKFair leverages on Polygon's Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and Celestia DA's ZK-L2, with technical support from Lumoz RaaS.
Pengguna Celsius yang memenuhi syarat akan dapat menarik 94% aset mereka dari platform setelah memperbarui KYC dan informasi akun lainnya.
“Siapa pun yang diberhentikan dari platform crypto dan ingin bekerja untuk FINRA, hubungi saya,” kata presiden dan CEO Robert Cook.
Project Galaxy adalah jaringan data kredensial Web3 terbesar di dunia.