EtherVista,Ethervista为何引发以太坊DeFi社区关注?怎么参与? 金色财经,新颖的LP和费用机制

EtherVista,Ethervista为何引发以太坊DeFi社区关注?怎么参与? 金色财经,新颖的LP和费用机制
Jabara Igbara, aka Jay Mazini, sentenced for a fraudulent crypto scheme exploiting his Instagram fame and religious community, swindling millions.
本文着眼于 CEX/DEX 套利交易的机制,重点关注执行的 AMM 方面,旨在展示区块时间、区块基本费用以及参与这些交易的参与者之间的关系。
随着技术的进步,ZK-Rollup 相关的基础设施建设也愈发成熟,采用 ZK 方案的 Rollup 极有可能在未来的 L2 井喷中占据重要的市场份额。
Starbucks sunsets NFT pilot amid memecoin ad blitz and enterprise blockchain retreats.
继彩虹猫、加密猫之后,又一款以猫为主题的NFT火了。1月22日,名为Genesis Cat(创世猫)的NFT,在世界领先的艺术品和奢侈品拍卖行苏富比的拍卖会上,以 25.4 万美元成交。
Bong, the latest entry from the Bonk family, stealthily emerged on Solana, quickly gaining a strong online presence and real-world engagement. Positioned for growth, Bong's chart and community dynamics draw parallels to crypto success stories, hinting at a promising future.
Sotheby’s digital art division revealed plans to auction pieces from the BitcoinShrooms collection, a project crafted by artist Shroomtoshi. The collection, minted on-chain in October, is hailed as the "first-ever Ordinals collection," according to both the BitcoinShroom website and its associated account.
Pembeli lot lelang digital teratas di Sotheby's akan menerima dompet perangkat keras edisi terbatas, yang juga merupakan barang koleksi.