Binance,观点:为什么说币安上币困境是必然的? 金色财经,救赎方案非常残酷,唯有停止上币。

Binance,观点:为什么说币安上币困境是必然的? 金色财经,救赎方案非常残酷,唯有停止上币。
Meme,加密市场,行情,MeMe 币真的在吞噬 VC 币吗? 金色财经,我们是来投资的,不是来赌博的。
2024年5月9日,币安发布公告称:币安新币挖矿现已上线第54期项目 - Notcoin (NOT),一个通过点击赚取采矿机制将用户引入web3的社区代币。
Coinbase lists KARRAT altcoin on Ethereum network, with trading to commence upon meeting liquidity conditions. Users cautioned about potential scams and high volatility. Despite risks, Coinbase's move highlights commitment to diverse asset offerings.
Abu Dhabi-based Phoenix Group is set to acquire $187 million worth of new Bitcoin mining rigs from Bitmain Technologies, following a $380 million deal with WhatsMiner. The move aims to significantly boost Phoenix's Bitcoin hashing power, positioning the company as a major global crypto miner. The strategic expansion aligns with the recent approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the SEC, anticipating potential industry growth. Despite competition and profitability challenges in Bitcoin mining, Phoenix Group's aggressive approach underscores its commitment to staying competitive in the evolving sector.
Phoenix Group PLC invests in Lyvely, marking a strategic move in Web3 and digital economy innovation.
Di tengah lonjakan minat terhadap mata uang kripto, debut Phoenix Group di Bursa Efek Abu Dhabi menandai momen penting dalam evolusi keuangan di kawasan ini.
PARODY COIN (PARO) Parody Coin (PARO) adalah token utilitas deflasi dalam tahap presale, telah bergabung dengan ...