Gabung/ Daftar
Alex Xu
Founder of Azuki
Alex Xu, also known as Zagabond, is the founder of the NFT project Azuki and served as the operations director of 0x. Previously, he worked at Google and Amazon respectively, and is passionate about building transformative products and teams.
Career Overview
GoldSky | Seed | $20 M |
- Exec Crypto Lain Keluar: CFO Argo Blockchain Mengundurkan Diri
- Co-Founder Crypto Lender Celcius, Chief Strategy Officer Leon Mengundurkan Diri
- DeFi untuk layanan keuangan: 'Revolusi Aset Digital' Alex Tapscott
- Trio Menghadapi Lebih dari 80 Tahun Penjara atas Penipuan Bank Senilai $ 10 Juta dengan Pencucian Mata Uang Kripto
- SBF shares lawyer with Alex Polygon partners with StarkWare
- Alex Saunders mengeluarkan permintaan maaf publik dan mengklaim akan menyelesaikan transaksi crypto