Gabung/ Daftar
Blanche Jiang
Operating Partner of ABCDE Capital
Blanche Jiang is ABCDE Operating Partner.Former director and legal director of Jingwei China, 9 years of legal affairs and compliance experience in Jingwei China; former legal counsel of Sinovation Ventures, 3 years of legal affairs and incubation experience.
Career Overview
- Profesor Changjian Jiang tentang Teknologi Web3 dan AI
- Trio Menghadapi Lebih dari 80 Tahun Penjara atas Penipuan Bank Senilai $ 10 Juta dengan Pencucian Mata Uang Kripto
- Jiang Fan, deputy to the National People’s Congress, suggested that the virtual currency disposal system involved in the case needs to be improved.