Gabung/ Daftar
Daniel Lv
Co-Founder & COO of Nervos Network
Daniel Lv is the co-founder and COO of the Nervos Foundation. He is a senior architect and blockchain technology expert with five years of experience in digital cryptocurrency and blockchain technology development.
Career Overview
- Hyperbitcoinization: Ekonomi Fiat yang Gagal Mendorong Adopsi Bitcoin
- New York Times Menyerang Bitcoin Dengan Sepotong Penuh Informasi yang Salah
- Prominent a16z VC talks permissionless innovation and the need for cryptocurrencies
- Co-Founder Terra LUNA untuk Bersaksi di Majelis Nasional Korea Selatan
- Daniel Fraga – Miliarder Bitcoin Brasil (BTC) yang Menentang Pemerintah dan Menghilang
- Yuga Labs Menunjuk Presiden dan COO Activision Blizzard Daniel Alegre sebagai CEO Baru