Gabung/ Daftar
Eugene Zhang
Founding Partner of TSVC
Eugene Zhang is the Founding Partner at TSVC. He also is the Founder/CEO of InnoSpring, JEDA. Founding team members at Cisco & Juniper. He graduated from Tsinghua University.
Career Overview
- Coinlive Investigasi: Zhang Yufeng alias @Octopuuus
- Zhang Dongwei: Pemahaman Awal tentang Web 3.0, NFT, Metaverse
- ByteDance founder tops China's rich list with a net worth of $350 Billion
- Wawancara dengan Profesor Universitas Columbia Max Li: Industri ini terlalu dibiayai, dan pembangunan proyek blockchain perlu "menekankan teknologi" dan "melihat jangka panjang"
- Zhang Yufeng, a senior from Shenzhen University, revealed his fraudulent activities with his real name, with more than 10 victims
- Zhang Ping: Thoughts on developing my country’s digital financial technology base in the Web3.0 era