Gabung/ Daftar
Lily Zhang
Co-Founder of D11 Labs
Lily Zhang is the CFO of Xinhuo Technology and the co-founder of D11 Labs. She was previously the CFO of Huobi. She was responsible for the US stock listing of Canaan Technology (CAN.US), worked for Guotai Junan Securities and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and has more than 10 years of experience in corporate financing, auditing, and mergers and acquisitions. Zhang Li graduated from Tsinghua University.
Career Overview
- Coinlive Investigasi: Zhang Yufeng alias @Octopuuus
- [Coinlive Talk] Keamanan Aset Digital Untuk Institusi: Tulang Punggung Kripto?
- Bagaimana Hong Kong dan Singapura dapat menjadikan Asia sebagai pusat masa depan crypto
- Zhang Dongwei: Pemahaman Awal tentang Web 3.0, NFT, Metaverse
- ByteDance founder tops China's rich list with a net worth of $350 Billion
- Wawancara dengan Profesor Universitas Columbia Max Li: Industri ini terlalu dibiayai, dan pembangunan proyek blockchain perlu "menekankan teknologi" dan "melihat jangka panjang"