Gabung/ Daftar
Maddie Callander
Partner of BOOST VC
Maddie Callander is the Partner at Boost VC. Prior to joining Boost VC, she built out the private aviation department for the Yellowstone Club in Big Sky, Montana, where she managed member air transportation: marketing, selling and arranging private shuttles (Boeing 737s), private flights (XOJET), and shared-ride options. Additionally, she’s held operation and marketing roles in healthcare and real estate industries & freelanced as an event coordinator for NYC event firm Van Wyck & Van Wyck. She attended Draper University in Fall 2013.
Maddie is on a mission to help women and underrepresented founders get a seat at the table in frontier tech. She is a Coalition Member for The Women in XR Fund, which is focused on funding female founders in the virtual and augmented reality space; and Chair of the Women in VR Showcase for the US National Committee for UN Women (SF Chapter) - an event that combines virtual reality with incredible storytelling by VR female film directors from all over the world. Maddie has a B.A. in Art History and Spanish from Denison University in Granville, Ohio.