Gabung/ Daftar
Pavel Durov
Founder of The Open Network
Pavel Durov is the CEO and founder of Telegram, a messaging application that has attracted over 60 million active users in less than two years since its launch in 2013. Before that, Pavel founded VK – the most popular social network in Russia and some other countries, with over 100 million active users. In early 2014, Pavel left Russia and VK to focus on developing Telegram.
Career Overview
- Pendiri Telegram Menyarankan Lelang Nama Pengguna Sebagai NFT Kepada 700 Juta Pengguna
- CEO Telegram Mengungkap Kepemilikan 'Beberapa Bitcoin dan Beberapa TonCoin'
- TON founder: The ups and downs of Pavel Durov’s life
- Telegram Founder’s Arrest Triggers Spike in User Engagement in Decentralised Social Network Nostr as Calls for Free Speech Surge
- Musk supports Telegram founder DOGS: Support Pavel Durov
- Indonesia threatens to ban Telegram after Pavel Durov's arrest