Gabung/ Daftar
Ethereum Foundation
project_established_year 2014 | project_headquarter Switzerland |
project_operating_status project_active |
Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting Ethereum and related technologies. EF is an integral part of a vast ecosystem of organizations, individuals, and companies that support Ethereum. EF's purpose is to allocate resources to critical projects, to be a respected voice within the Ethereum ecosystem, and to promote Ethereum to the outside world.
Shadow | Seed | $9 M |
- Para Pembuat Ethereum Bingung; Kapan Mereka Dapat Menarik ETH?
- Ethereum Foundation membuat pengumuman baru Goerli Shapella
- Transisi Ethereum ke PoS Dapat Mendorong PoW Melalui 'Pinggir Jalan'
- Where is the $100 million spent every year? Ethereum Foundation's transparency questioned
- Vitalik dan pemikiran terbaru Ethereum Foundation tentang perluasan kapasitas
- Perbendaharaan Ethereum Foundation memperluas aset non-kripto menjadi 19%