Gabung/ Daftar
Platypus Finance
- StableSwap
- DeFi
Platypus Finance is a single-sided Automatic Market Maker (AMM) for stablecoins built on the Avalanche network. It is designed to optimize capital efficiency. Instead of requiring liquidity providers (LPs) to provide liquidity through token pairs (e.g. ETH-AVAX), they can just provide liquidity through a single token type. This mechanism is intended to improve the existing AMM framework by reducing impermanent loss risk for LPs, cutting slippage for traders, and creating more capital efficiency in the broader ecosystem.
- Platypus Finance Melaporkan Kerugian $2 Juta Akibat Pelanggaran Keamanan
- Platypus Finance Diretas Sebesar $2 Juta; Ketiga Kalinya Tahun Ini
- Peretas Platypus Finance Dibebaskan: Pengadilan Prancis Tolak Tuntutan Pidana
- Pengeksploitasi Platipus Ditahan oleh Polisi Prancis
- Flash loan exploit tampaknya berada di balik serangan stablecoin Platypus USD
- Peretas Platypus Senilai $9,5 Juta Terancam Hukuman Lima Tahun Penjara