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Alexandre Bourget
Co-Founder & CTO of StreamingFast
Alexandre Bourget is Co-Founder and CTO at StreamingFast. He lives through technology. He wrote his first botnet at 12, later graduated in classical piano, and went on to a prolific career in software engineering, with notable open source contributions. Alexandre co-founded two startups, including Bitcredits (a bitcoin payments processor, FounderFuel 2014 Spring Cohort). He then helped PasswordBox(acquired by Intel) craft their data stack and ended up as a lead Data Scientist in the Intel Security Consumer division. Today, Alexandre is very active in the blockchain space, advising several early stage companies. Alexandre taught programming for many years. He does live-coding presentations like no one else (Confoo, PyCon conferences) and is the lead organizer of Golang Montréal. You’ll often find him on Telegram, working through lines of code and bugs with others, doing what he can to help build the EOS community.
I love automation and automate anything I repeat for the third time. I manage Kubernetes clusters, can't live without continuous deployment, A/B testing and feature switches. I don't do what machines can do.
- パヴェル・ドゥロフ、フランスで逮捕 暗号アプリのコンプライアンス、新たな課題に直面
- X、最高裁判事との係争でブラジルでの事業を停止
- イーロン・マスクと最高裁判所判事のアレクサンドル・デ・モラエスとの戦いは、ブラジルのX禁止令に続いてエスカレートし続けており、両者は譲歩しようとしない。Xの禁止を受けて、ブラジルの人々はソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームへのアクセスを取り戻すためにVPNを利用するようになった。このため、モラエ判事は、VPNを使用してソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームにアクセスする人々や企業に対し、1日5万レアルの罰金を科す命令を下すことを決定した。モラエス裁判長はブラジルでイーロン・マスクを攻撃するために専制政治を利用している
- ブラジル、規制遵守と550万ドルの罰金支払い後、イーロン・マスクの「X」の販売禁止を解除:係争は終結か?
- チリズ、49%の急騰と大胆な合併公約で暗号熱狂に点火