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Sleepless AI (AI) 은 2024에 출시된 암호화폐입니다. AI의 현재 공급량은 1.00Bn이며 278.52M가 유통되고 있습니다. AI의 마지막으로 알려진 가격은 0.24235268567 USD이며 지난 24시간 동안 0.020902429255입니다. 현재 활성 시장에서 거래되고 있으며 지난 24시간 동안 $20.19M가 거래되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
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업데이트됨 2월 26, 2025 5:54 오후
Sleepless AI
엠캡 $67.50M
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Binance Responds to SMS Phishing Attack, Plans New Security Feature
Binance Responds to SMS Phishing Attack, Plans New Security Feature
Binance has officially responded to reports of SMS phishing attacks targeting its users, emphasizing that SMS spoofing is a common cyber threat rather than a new hacking technique or an attack aimed specifically at Binance or the cryptocurrency industry.How the Attack WorksSMS phishing (also known as smishing) allows attackers to modify the sender’s identity, making fraudulent text messages appear to come from a trusted source, such as Binance. In certain countries and regions, the legal framework around SMS spoofing remains unclear, making it difficult to combat these attacks.Binance acknowledged the challenges in preventing SMS phishing but assured users that it is working on a new security feature to help them verify the authenticity of text messages and mitigate phishing risks. Protecting Your Cryptocurrency from SMS Phishing AttacksBinance urges users to stay vigilant and adopt the following security measures to protect their accounts:1. Verify the Source of MessagesAlways double-check messages claiming to be from Binance by using Binance’s official verification channels. If you receive a suspicious text, do not click on any links or provide sensitive information.2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)Enabling 2FA (such as Google Authenticator or YubiKey) provides an extra security layer, ensuring that even if a hacker obtains your credentials, they cannot access your account without the second authentication factor.3. Never Share Personal or Account InformationBinance will never ask for passwords, 2FA codes, or private keys via SMS, email, or social media. If you receive a message requesting such details, report it immediately.4. Avoid Clicking on Suspicious LinksBefore clicking any link in a text message, check its legitimacy by verifying it against Binance’s official domain. Scammers often use links that closely resemble Binance’s website to deceive users into entering their login details.Common Types of SMS Scams Targeting Crypto UsersScammers deploy various tactics to steal funds and sensitive data, including:Fake 2FA Requests – Users receive a fraudulent message claiming their account needs upgrading or migration to Web3, leading them to a phishing website.Withdrawal Cancellation Alerts – Scammers send texts instructing users to "cancel a withdrawal request", tricking them into entering login details on fake Binance websites.Account Verification Scams – Users are told to "verify" or "upgrade" their accounts or risk suspension, prompting them to submit sensitive data.What to Do If You Receive a Suspicious Binance SMSReport the scam to law enforcement authorities and Binance Support.Freeze your Binance account if you suspect a compromise.Secure your financial information by notifying banks and credit agencies.Binance continues to enhance security measures and advises users to remain cautious of SMS phishing tactics to safeguard their crypto assets.
2월 26, 2025 5:31 오후

자주 묻는 질문

  • Sleepless AI (AI)의 역대 최고 가격은 얼마인가요?

    (AI)의 역대 최고가는 0 미국 달러로, 1970-01-01에 기록되었으며 현재 코인 가격은 최고점 대비 0% 하락했습니다。 (AI)의 역대 최고 가격은 0 미국 달러이며 현재 가격은 최고점 대비 0% 하락했습니다.

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  • Sleepless AI (AI)의 유통량은 어떻게 되나요?

    2025-02-26 기준으로 현재 유통 중인 AI의 양은 278.52M입니다. AI의 최대 공급량은 1.00Bn입니다.

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  • Sleepless AI (AI)의 시가총액은 어떻게 되나요?

    (AI)의 현재 시가총액은 67.50M입니다. 현재 공급량에 0.24235268567의 실시간 시장 가격을 곱하여 계산됩니다.

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  • Sleepless AI (AI)의 역대 최저 가격은 얼마인가요?

    (AI)의 역대 최저가는 0 으로, 1970-01-01에 기록되었으며 현재 코인 가격은 최저점 대비 0% 상승했습니다。 (AI)의 역대 최저 가격은 0 미국 달러이며 현재 가격은 최저점 대비 0% 상승했습니다.

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  • Sleepless AI (AI)은(는) 좋은 투자인가요?

    Sleepless AI (AI)의 시가총액은 $67.50M이며 CoinMarketCap에서 #529 순위입니다. 암호화폐 시장은 변동성이 매우 높으므로 직접 조사(DYOR)를 수행하고 위험 허용 범위를 평가하십시오. 또한 Sleepless AI(AI) 가격 추세 및 패턴을 분석하여 AI 구매에 가장 적합한 시기를 찾으세요.

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