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Understand the dark side of Telegram and Pavel Durov's controversial vision for decentralization. Discover how the platform's lack of control has led to numerous criminal cases and illicit activities. Is Durov's pursuit of cryptocurrency and TON's success worth the risk to users' safety? Get the inside scoop on the scandals and secrets surrounding Telegram's unregulated empire. Also, is Pavel Durov really a single man?

파벨 두로프: 탈중앙화를 향한 한 남자의 탐구가 어떻게 범죄 제국을 탄생시켰는가?

6월 14
텔레그램은 범죄 활동의 온상이 되었습니다. 듀로프가 프라이버시와 탈중앙화를 위해 앞으로 나아갈 때, 세상은 어떤 모습으로 변할까요? 톤의 미래는 어떻게 될까요?
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