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에코시스템: Metis
정렬 기준
- SushiSwapDEX based on automatic market making system
- SwingCross-chain Liquidity Infrastructure
- Symbiosis FinanceCross-chain engine and interchain communication protocol
- SynapseCross-chain communication protocol
- Tethys FinanceDecentralized exchange and lending protocol
- The GraphDecentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data
- Token BulksenderA tool to batch send tokens
- UniDexDeFi aggregation layer
- WitnetDecentralized oracle
- XDAOA multichain DAO builder for jointly managing crypto assets and DeFi projects
- YlideDecentralized protocol for wallet-to-wallet communication
- Zeno ExchangeDecentralized Perpetual Exchange
- ZeusMetis-based DEX to offer concentrated liquidity테스트넷
- tofuNFTMultichain NFT marketplace