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Peter Broadhurst
Co-Founder, Head of Engineering of Kaleido
Peter Broadhurst is Co-Founder & Head of Engineering at Kaleido, with 15 years experience at the intersection of Enterprise middleware, cutting-edge Cloud architecture and mission-critical customer engagements. Uniquely qualified for as-a-service Enterprise Cloud delivery, he has been the technical steward from inception to delivery of Enterprise grade services through multiple generations of Cloud architecture. Peter’s specialist domain is Enterprise middleware, having worked at every stage in the software delivery lifecycle of the core Messaging, Application Server and Integration middleware technologies that will interface with the Blockchain. Much of this experience has been on-site with customers, diagnosing and code-fixing the seemingly impossible on production systems, as well as acting as a trusted advisor role to customers across the globe – particularly in the ASEAN region. Peter understands first hand the challenge and opportunity of IT transformation, as an influential servant leader for a large software development team transformed to an empowered squad-based culture building Microservices, through continuous delivery and DevOps. He believes Blockchain can be the engine block of transformation in Enterprise, and that the nascent potential of the technology has the power to transform the way we do business – if it can only be unlocked.