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  • DID
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PLANET uses the blockchain to address pressing social and sustainability challenges, support the UN SDGs and create a more transparent and sustainable future. PLANET is using the power of celebrity and fandom to mobilize the world to address global challenges, with the world’s biggest celebrities backing sustainability projects dear to them through the platform. PLANET wants to move the sustainability space from short-term funding to viable long-term revenue streams that can power campaigns for a better future.

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PLANET (PLANET)의 역대 최고 가격은 얼마인가요?

(PLANET)의 역대 최고가는 0 미국 달러로, 1970-01-01에 기록되었으며 현재 코인 가격은 최고점 대비 0% 하락했습니다。 (PLANET)의 역대 최고 가격은 0 미국 달러이며 현재 가격은 최고점 대비 0% 하락했습니다.