Polygon's official Telegram channel announced that the 1386609632 MATICs unlocked since April 21 last year were unclaimed, and the Polygon Foundation will claim these tokens within the next 24 hours. Among them, 640 million MATICs will be allocated to the team, and will be directly pledged by the co-founders after claiming; 546 million MATICs will be allocated to the foundation, and the team will update the community in advance about the movement of the foundation's wallet; 200 million MATICs will be allocated to 2021 Staking rewards from May to December 2021. Foresight News reported today that Blockworks researcher Sam tweeted that the Polygon token vesting contract released about 1.4 billion MATIC 9 hours ago, accounting for 14% of the total supply, while Polygon co-founder Sandeep responded that this was planned Action, tokens were unlocked a year ago.