Bitget discloses its risk protection fund to ensure users' assets are fully protected. As of now, the size of the fund has reached 300 million US dollars, including 6,500 BTC, 160 million USDT and 40 million USDC. According to Bitget, this is the second largest user protection fund among centralized exchanges. These assets are stored in seven public wallet addresses, and users can track and verify them in real time. And Bitget promised to maintain the value of the fund at $300 million in the next three years. Founded in 2018, Bitget is an encrypted asset trading platform featuring contract trading and documentary trading. Currently, Bitget provides services to more than 8 million users in more than 100 countries and regions around the world. Bitget’s partners include legendary Argentine football player Lionel Messi, well-known Italian football team Juventus and official esports tournament organizer PGL.