Balancer, a decentralized trading protocol, tweeted that in the Euler Finance attack, about $11.9 million was sent to Euler from the bbeUSD liquidity pool, accounting for 65% of the entire liquidity pool TVL, and bbeUSD tokens were also deposited It has entered the other 4 liquidity pools: wstETH/bbeUSD, rETH/bbeUSD, TEMPLE/bbeUSD, DOLA/bbeUSD, and all other Balancer liquidity pools are safe. Due to the measures taken to protect the remaining funds, the UI currently does not support existing LPs to exit positions in these bbeUSD pools, but there is no risk of further loss of funds, bbeUSD pool users can use the UI to withdraw tokens and bbeUSD in proportion, but in Euler Funds cannot be withdrawn from bbeUSD until transferability of eTokens (e.g. eDAI/DAI) is restored.