According to CoinDesk, the Indian encryption exchange CoinDCX launched the DeFi mobile application Okto, which aims to help users navigate DeFi through its built-in wallet. Okto will be available in CoinDCX Pro in India and globally as a standalone Okto app. CoinDCX's Okto launch will take place in two phases, the first is to announce the waitlist at Unfold, its Web3 technology conference this weekend, and then the information will be uploaded to the website in preparation for the second step, which will take place in about two weeks. Started. Okto was built over several months by a team of 50, and CoinDCX hopes that Okto will provide users with access to more than 100 protocols and 20+ chains. To remove the complexity of mnemonic phrases and private keys, the product is keyless, and users only need a basic email and phone number, which are protected by multi-party computation (MPC) technology, CoinDCX said.