According to am730 reports, Hong Kong virtual bank Mox Bank responded to the account freezing problem reported by users, saying that the freezing of some encrypted trading accounts has nothing to do with system updates. He also stated that Mox Bank has always attached importance to the safe and secure use of services by all customers and the protection of customer rights. Therefore, according to the existing system, the bank reviews the accounts of individual customers as one of the measures to protect the rights and interests of customers. Mox Bank has notified the affected customers and the accounts concerned have been temporarily suspended. Customers will continue to use the accounts after the review is completed. Foresight News previously reported that yesterday, many users of the Hong Kong virtual bank Mox Bank reported that their bank accounts were frozen several times in a short period of time. Some users analyzed that this matter may be related to the recent Mox Bank system update. More sensitive, especially accounts for buying and selling cryptocurrencies, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has urged them to deal with them.