According to Decrypt, Rockstar Games has announced that the first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto game will be released in early December. The upcoming game's trailer comes more than 10 years after the launch of the last installment, Grand Theft Auto V. Rockstar Games President and co-founder Sam Houser cited the company's 25th anniversary as part of the reason for launching the trailer in December. The next entry in the open-world action franchise was first confirmed in February 2022 after years of speculation.
In September 2022, a massive leak of video footage and data from the in-development game was shared on the internet by hackers who breached Rockstar's internal systems. The leaked footage has since been taken down, but not before fans gained potential insights about the upcoming game. Grand Theft Auto 6 is rumored to take place in the series' familiar Miami-inspired locale of Vice City and reportedly feature a female protagonist for the first time. Rumors also suggest that the game may implement cryptocurrency in some manner, but these claims remain unconfirmed.