The list of applicants for the virtual asset trading platform of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission shows that there are currently 6 companies applying for a virtual asset trading platform license. The latest application submitted is from Cheetah Trading (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Futu Holdings. An application for a license was submitted on Wednesday (15th), and its virtual asset trading platform is called PantherTrade.
Information shows that PantherTrade had previously appointed Chen Zhihu as a director on September 14. He was the investment director of Huobi Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Huobi later changed its name to Xinhuo Technology. Chen Zhihu worked at Xinhuo Asset Management for 4 years. The license plate will be completed in May 2023, and the other director is Hong Yimin. The company submitted a corporate establishment form on March 7 this year. The first director is Fang Xingzhi. Information shows that he served as Jingdong Securities Co., Ltd. from September 2019 to July 2020. (Ming Pao)