Kiraa, the founder of Trait Sniper, posted a post on social media in response to the rumors of Rug, saying that the employee's account was stolen by hackers after the relevant employee made comments about Rug in Discord. Regarding the financial health of the project, Kiraa said that Trait Sniper was operating very smoothly when it advanced its NFT minting in April, but then it gradually went downhill. Trait Sniper had a tough time during the bear market, the token sale raised by the NFT minting was at the bottom, the funds were distributed between the founders, investors and the team, and his personal mismanagement of funds, Most of the funds have been depleted. Since then, Trait Sniper has tried many strategies to stay afloat. Kiraa revealed that it has announced to the team this afternoon that it will cut some positions in order to reduce operating costs. As costs come down, Trait Sniper hopes to continue to operate and continue to move towards its vision of "becoming the central hub for all NFT-related activities", and it will personally do everything in its power to achieve this goal. Kiraa also said that for users, the usability and functionality of Trait Sniper will not be affected, and for other projects that require cooperation, he hopes to actively contact Trait Sniper.